Sweet Fleet create a gift box anywhere
product: website and web extension
goal: create a new way to show your friends you care
deliverables: user research, personas based on affinity mapping, task analysis, and comparative research.
How do you show friends you care?
Our stakeholder Sweet Fleet wanted to imagine a new way to send custom gift boxes. Specifically targeting women and men with extra income over the age of 30.
I first targeted my research reflexing the age demographic requested, it showed that most people had wide varying shopping habits. Second and more notably, I never heard a repeated shopping destination, online or otherwise from interviewees with the exception of Amazon. Third, I did a 20 company comparative analysis that lead me to believe niche markets have been heavily saturated.
Solution: Sweet Fleet shouldn’t do a traditional themed box, instead give they should give clients a highly customizable experience. That could be achieved through a web extension that allowed you to send purchases from anywhere on the internet as a third party. This would capitalizing on varied shopping habits of most people.
double click for Zoltare to grant your wish